
COVID-19 news: Russian coronavirus vaccine induces immune response in small trial

COVID-19 news: Russian coronavirus vaccine induces immune response in small trial

Russian coronavirus vaccine Sputnik V induces immune response
A preliminary trial of Russian SPUTNIK V coronavirus vaccine confirms its safe and induces desired immune response in the subjects. The coronavirus vaccine was approved by Russian Authorities and first administered to one of President Putin’s daughter along with others without any large scale trails or data made public. The current preliminary trail was conducted on small group of 76 healthy individuals. All volunteers developed specific antibodies and T-cells, without any adverse health effects as published on Lancet Journal today.

Next phase III trial of the vaccine is already being conducted to establish whether vaccine stops peoples from getting infected and ill from corona virus. Undergoing phase III trial is expected to include a large group of around 40,000 peoples to establish veracity of the vaccine.

World Health Organization (WHO) and other researchers are concerned about vaccine nationalism creating political pressure on administration to release unverified coronavirus vaccine doses to public. A complete veracity of Phase III trials of all coronavirus vaccines needs to be done without implying any shortcuts for effective working of dosage to combat with ongoing coronavirus pandemic.…

Posted by Scientific Nepali on 2020-09-05 21:31:10


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