Books Hard Science Fiction Science Fiction Science Fiction & Fantasy

Rio Celestial [Heaven’s River]: Bobiverso, Libro 4 [Bobiverse, Book 4]

Price: $0.00
(as of Apr 20, 2024 13:08:16 UTC – Details)

La guerra civil se cierne sobre el Bobiverso en esta nueva aventura de proporciones épicas del más vendido número uno de Audible, Dennis E. Taylor.

Hace más de cien años, Bender dirigió su nave hacia las estrellas y jamás se volvió a saber de él. No ha habido rastro de él a pesar de las numerosas búsquedas realizadas por sus compañeros clones. Ahora Bob está decidido a organizar una expedición para saber cuál fue el destino de Bender, al costo que sea.

Pero nada, nunca, es sencillo en el Bobiverso. Los descendientes de Bob ya han llegado a la veinticuatroava generación y la deriva replicativa ha producido individuos que apenas si pueden ser considerados Bobs. Algunos de ellos se oponen al plan de Bob mientras que otros tienen sus propios planes. Las asambleas fuera de control son el menor de los problemas del Bobiverso.

Sin desanimarse, Bob y sus aliados siguen el rastro de Bender, pero lo que descubren en el espacio profundo es tan inesperado y tan complejo que podría salvar al universo… o representar una amenaza existencial como nada a lo que el Bobiverso se ha enfrentado jamás.

Río Celestial es la cuarta entrega de la exitosa serie del Bobiverso, un Original de Audible, que ha vendido más de un millón de copias.

Please note: This audiobook is in Latin American Spanish.

Books Hard Science Fiction Science Fiction Science Fiction & Fantasy

Perché siamo in tanti [For We Are Many]: Bobiverse 2 [Bobiverse, Book 2]

Price: $0.00
(as of Apr 15, 2024 10:47:15 UTC – Details)

L’attesissimo sequel di Noi siamo infinito (Noi siamo Bob), vincitore del miglior titolo di fantascienza di Audible nel 2016. Gli ascoltatori lo definiscono “esilarante”, “esattamente ciò che ci si aspetta da un’opera di fantascienza” e ciò che sarebbe successo se “Andy Weir ed Ernest Cline avessero avuto un figlio”.

Bob Johansson non credeva nella vita dopo la morte, e riaprire gli occhi in seguito a un incidente mortale è stato per lui un grosso trauma. Come se ciò non bastasse, è tornato in vita come computer senziente e intelligenza dominante in una sonda di Von Neumann.

Bob e i suoi cloni sono partiti dalla Terra da ormai 40 anni in cerca di pianeti abitabili. Ma questa è l’unica parte del piano ancora integra. Una guerra di portata mondiale ha ucciso il 99,9% della razza umana, un inverno nucleare ha gradualmente reso la Terra inabitabile e un gruppo di estremisti vuole sterminare ciò che resta dell’umanità. Intanto, le sonde spaziali brasiliane sono ancora là fuori, sempre impegnate a fare a pezzi la concorrenza, mentre i Bob hanno appena scoperto una specie spaziale che vede qualunque altra forma di vita come cibo.

Bob ha lasciato la Terra pensando di vivere una vita di esplorazione e beata solitudine. Invece, è diventato il dio di una specie primitiva, l’unica speranza di una nuova casa per l’umanità e, forse, l’unico che potrà impedire che ogni essere vivente del pianeta venga servito come cena.

Alberto Onofrietti torna a raccontarci di Bob, e delle sue innumerevoli reincarnazioni, in tutta la loro geniale gloria.

Perché siamo in tanti è la seconda parte della serie originale Audible Bobiverse che, a oggi, ha venduto oltre un milione di copie.

Please note: This audiobook is in Italian.

Books Hard Science Fiction Science Fiction Science Fiction & Fantasy

Heaven’s River: Bobiverse, Book 4

Price: $0.00
(as of Apr 04, 2024 03:45:50 UTC – Details)

Civil war looms in the Bobiverse in this brand-new, epic-length adventure by Audible number one best seller Dennis E. Taylor.

More than a hundred years ago, Bender set out for the stars and was never heard from again. There has been no trace of him despite numerous searches by his clone-mates. Now Bob is determined to organize an expedition to learn Bender’s fate – whatever the cost.

But nothing is ever simple in the Bobiverse. Bob’s descendants are out to the 24th generation now, and replicative drift has produced individuals who can barely be considered Bobs anymore. Some of them oppose Bob’s plan; others have plans of their own. The out-of-control moots are the least of the Bobiverse’s problems.

Undaunted, Bob and his allies follow Bender’s trail. But what they discover out in deep space is so unexpected and so complex that it could either save the universe – or pose an existential threat the likes of which the Bobiverse has ever faced.

Heaven’s River is the fourth installment in the blockbuster Audible Original Bobiverse series – which has sold more than one million copies.

Books Hard Science Fiction Science Fiction Science Fiction & Fantasy

For We Are Many: Bobiverse, Book 2

Price: $0.00
(as of Apr 03, 2024 04:38:17 UTC – Details)

The highly anticipated sequel to Audible’s Best of 2016 – Science Fiction winner, We Are Legion (We Are Bob); a book listeners are calling “so much fun”, “what science fiction was meant to be”, and what would happen if “Andy Weir and Ernest Cline had a lovechild”.

Bob Johansson didn’t believe in an afterlife, so waking up after being killed in a car accident was a shock. To add to the surprise, he is now a sentient computer and the controlling intelligence for a Von Neumann probe.

Bob and his copies have been spreading out from Earth for 40 years now, looking for habitable planets. But that’s the only part of the plan that’s still in one piece. A system-wide war has killed off 99.9 percent of the human race; nuclear winter is slowly making the Earth uninhabitable; a radical group wants to finish the job on the remnants of humanity; the Brazilian space probes are still out there, still trying to blow up the competition; and the Bobs have discovered a spacefaring species that sees all other life as food.

Bob left Earth anticipating a life of exploration and blissful solitude. Instead he’s become a sky god to a primitive native species, the only hope for getting humanity to a new home, and possibly the only thing that can prevent every living thing in the local sphere from ending up as dinner.

Listener favorite Ray Porter returns to narrate Bob – and his many incarnations – in all of their geeky glory.

For We Are Many is the second installment in the blockbuster Audible Original Bobiverse series – which has sold more than one million copies.

Books Hard Science Fiction Science Fiction Science Fiction & Fantasy

We Are Legion (We Are Bob): Bobiverse, Book 1

Price: $0.00
(as of Apr 03, 2024 00:43:40 UTC – Details)

There’s a reason We Are Legion (We Are Bob) was named Audible’s Best Science Fiction Book of 2016: Its irresistibly irreverent wit! Bob Johansson has just sold his software company for a small fortune and is looking forward to a life of leisure. The first item on his to-do list: Spending his newfound windfall. On an urge to splurge, he signs up to have his head cryogenically preserved in case of death. Then he gets himself killed crossing the street. Waking up 117 years later, Bob discovers his mind has been uploaded into a sentient space probe with the ability to replicate itself. Bob and his clones are on a mission to find new homes for humanity and boldly go where no Bob has gone before.

Dennis E. Taylor’s hilarious novel sets the stage for the magnificent performance of Ray Porter, who revels in the brave new world of corpsicles, artificial intelligence, interstellar space probes, and space colonization in tantalizing detail.

We Are Legion (We Are Bob) is the first installment in the blockbuster Audible Original Bobiverse series – which has sold more than one million copies.